South Florida IT Service and Your Safe Return to the Workplace
It’s been a tough seven months for all of us as we’ve stumbled our way through unchartered territory dealing with the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and the many challenges it presents. At User Friendly, we have maintained our clients’ South Florida IT Service infrastructure and support services primarily through remote operations, which we will continue to do by limiting the number of our own staff in the office at the same time. Whatever functions we can perform for our clients from remote locations, whether it be from our office or personal home offices, we are electing to do so to protect our staff and our clients’ personnel.
Likewise, we’ve taken into consideration OSHA, CDC and other expert guidance for workplaces as it has developed over the course of the pandemic. We are happy to share that guidance for the convenience of our clients, partners and the South Florida IT Service and business community in the hopes that it will help them in maintaining safety standards to limit the spread of COVID-19 in the workplace.
Actions we recommend and are employing ourselves to ensure the workplace is safe and sanitary include:
Environmental Conditions
If you have a stand alone building that you own or manage, the following precautions are recommended to enhance the air quality safety measures of the building.
- Increase the frequency rates at which fresh air is allowed into the office. In humid climates like South Florida this is undoubtedly a challenge. It may be necessary to balance the air exchange with outside humidity or take measures to air out the building overnight when climates are cooler.
- Add UV lights to air handlers throughout the office space. UV lights help to purify ambient air by killing viruses and bacteria, as well as mold and fungal growth which are so common due to high humidity levels in the South Florida area.
- Increase the filtration levels of the air-handling units throughout the building. MERV filters with higher ratings are better able to remove small particles from the air such as those associated with COVID-19.
Sanitation and Hygiene
- Increase the intensity and frequency of office cleanings.
- Keep additional protective equipment (PPE) available in the office including sanitation sprays, masks, gloves, and hand sanitizers and implement policies requiring all staff to wear them regularly when in the office even if they are not within 6 feet of others.
- Train staff to wipe down equipment in the public spaces after use and maintain disinfectant wipes in those areas for that purpose.
- Require visitors to wear masks in the office and common areas of the building.
Threat Mitigation
- Install a thermal camera at the entrance of the building to monitor the temperatures of those entering. Require all to enter through that single entrance to do so.
- Conduct all group meetings using Microsoft Teams.
- Conduct regular COVID-19 trainings for those employees that will be using the office to refresh and maintain policies.
Continued Safety Practices
- Continue to enforce social distancing practices.
- Implement policy requirements and rules for staff with possible symptoms of COVID-19 to work remotely or leaves of absence if they are infected and need time off.
While the maintenance of business and our clients South Florida IT Service needs are always of great importance, right now our primary goal is the health and safety of our personnel and our clients. We hope this information is helpful and that some of these ideas can be integrated into your company’s practices to enhance the well-being and safety of you and your staff.
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